HYSPLIT Radionuclide Applications   


Last Revised:
October 2022


This advanced tutorial focuses on configuring HYSPLIT for various radionuclide simulations. All six sections will use the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant as a basis for the example calculations. It is assumed that you have already installed HYSPLIT and reviewed the relevant sections of the basic tutorial. This advanced tutorial is an updated version of the original and only focuses on the radionuclide examples, using a more recent version of the model with expanded discussions of the parameter settings, and a video presentation to go along with each section. All examples use the command line rather than the graphical user interface (GUI). The radiological applications that are reviewed here require more complicated configurations than those presented in the basic tutorial. Many of these simulations require command line options and auxiliary programs not always available through the GUI. Sample batch files and scripts are provided for all examples. Scripts and other required files should be downloaded and run from a work directory on your computer. Viewing the tutorial text only makes sense while reviewing the associated script. Although the following sections can be accessed in any order, it may be better to follow them sequentially, because certain concepts are only discussed when they first appear. The tutorial uses HYSPLIT 5.2.0 but similar results should be obtained from most versions.

1) Time Varying Emissions and Dose    11:55 min
2) A Single Transfer Coefficient Matrix    08:38 min
3) Multi-file Transfer Coefficient Matrix    07:25 min
4) Updating a Transfer Coefficient Matrix    07:09 min
5) Multi-species Dose, Constant Emissions    09:24 min
6) Multi-species Dose, Varying Emissions    09:54 min
7) Simulation of the Smoky Nuclear Test    20:55 min